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Fashion Design

Professional Fashion Design Courses

Professional Fashion Design Courses:

Almost all Fashion Design Courses are combined with pattern making and sewing techniques, in order to guide the student from the creativity process to the final garment.

The course duration is determined whether the student will take only woman’s wear or man’s as well as kid’s wear.

In all cases each course has a specific program that any student can revise once he/she applies, though the main and common topics, such as: Anatomy, body and face features, coloring techniques, pencil, colored pencils and markers, fabric rendering, you will learn all kind of fabrics coloring, as well as prints, mood boards and reference boards, creativity, flat drawings, fibers and yarns, as well as fabric utilization, spec sheets and flat drawings, costs and quality control, elements of fashion business, such as Swot and Market Analyses, branding and brand recognition. 

Most of the specific topics are given in form of lectures, to which all the students, taking short or long courses, are allowed to partecipate.

Whoever attending the 1 year diploma, must partecipate to at least 3 of the 4 projects assigned, the project consists in creating a dress, execute its pattern and sewing, then finalized into a photoshoot.

Choosing one of our courses, you will join the most professional Fashion School in Egypt, which will open you the doors to the many sectors of the fashion field.